Relax! The word itself is so soothing. Isn’t it? If your answer is yes, then it is time you take a break and read this. We all are working not from dawn to dusk, but from pre-dawn to late night. From the moment we wake up to the moment we hit the bed in the night, our life is packed with tasks to be completed, meetings to be attended, deadlines to be met and targets to be achieved. Amidst all this, what we are not noticing is how we are exhausting our body and mind. As a too much used machine breaks down, an overworked mind and body also collapse. To avoid such things we should try to figure out how we can take some time off and relax so that it rejuvenates us.
Here we will try to see few methods which help us to unwind ourselves:
Pranayama: This is the simplest way we can relax. Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime by anyone. Breath is the ‘prana’ of our body and by controlling it we can achieve peace and harmony within us. It requires that we inhale from one nostril and exhale from the other and repeat the same thing with both nostrils. Doing this for some time will give great relaxation. Meditation: Along with pranayama, we can start meditating. We need not worry about how to meditate. For the beginners, to start with, we can just close our eyes and think of any word – a mantra, and concentrate on that particular word. This kind of concentration helps us to stay away from all tensions and relax our mind. A relaxed and calm mind helps us to stay alert and think positive.
Yoga: Yoga is a combination of pranayama, meditation and physical exercise. This is also an excellent way to unwind. There are many books to help you start doing yoga. But, it’s better if you can enroll in a class and learn it from a professional yoga guru. This will help you in the long run.

Music: You don’t want to do anything specific, but want to relax. Then, listening to soothing music is the best option. It will not need any efforts from your side but will give the best results. Enjoy the music and forget yourself.
Play: Involve in some kind of sport that you like and play it heart fully. This will not only exercise the whole body but also help in escaping from the tensions that build up anxiety.
Hobbies: Another way to chill is nurturing your hobbies. Investing time in hobbies will not only relax you but also can bring out an entrepreneur hidden in you.
Break: Take a break from the routine. Whether it is a small break in work time or a long break for a vacation, a break is an essential ingredient for a successful and happy life. Take small breaks while working that make you concentrate better and increase productivity. For much better balance between personal and professional life, enjoy a vacation with family and friends that makes your bonding with them stronger and healthier.
Relaxation is an important aspect in maintaining our health and leading a happy life. It helps us to get relief from the scores of tensions that we go through in our daily routine. Whatever way we choose, it should ultimately make us relaxed and replenish our lost energies. Every person is unique and has varied interests. So, we have all the liberty to relax in our own way. Relax and enjoy.
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