10 Realistic Ways to Boost Productivity

In the competitive world that we live in, we ought to work effectively to make a place for ourselves. Being productive is a way of working and most of us face challenges in practicing it on a daily basis. People who can’t focus and be productive usually miss opportunities and can’t reach targets within deadlines that lead to a stressful life. To enhance our productivity levels we need not alter our lives drastically, but we do need to make some small changes that should become a part of our routine. Let’s see the ways we can boost our productivity in the 24 hours in a day that all of us have at our disposal.

  • Eat healthy and stay fit: It is common sense that to do any work we need energy and it’s even more important that we are bundled with energy when we want to be productive. We should eat healthy food at regular intervals to provide fuel to our brain and boost our energy levels so as to evade energy crashes. Unless we are healthy enough we cannot work to our full potential.
  • Turn-off notifications and wayward browsing: We should be able to concentrate on our work and keep distance from distractions. To enable focusing on the task at hand, we should turn off all the notifications related to emails and social media. It’s also required that we don’t open browsers that are distracting us from work. There are several apps available that help in streamlining our browsing habits.
  • Track task time: To be able to understand where we are wasting our time and the tasks that are eating up too much of time, we should regularly track the time we are spending on each activity in a day. This will help us to accurately estimate the time we require for productive tasks and cut-off the activities that are leading us to nowhere.
  • Conquer procrastination: Each and every task does not need a great deal of planning and there will be some tasks that can be finished right away. Don’t procrastinate and complete such tasks as and when they come up. Else, for a task that takes a couple of minutes, we will waste a lot of our productive time in planning for it and then scheduling it for some later time. Meanwhile there are chances that we may even end up forgetting it.
  • Prioritize tasks: We should learn to prioritize our daily tasks in such a manner that the activities performed by us will help us in moving towards our goals and accomplishing them. The most important tasks that matter the most must be performed first and then the other things can follow. This strategy not only does boost our productivity but also gives us ample time to complete all tasks that too, sans any stress.
  • Finish tough tasks when alert: We should train ourselves to tackle the toughest tasks when we are at the best of our physical and mental state. For most of us, the first hour of our work is the time we are at our peak, so we can handle the tough tasks at that time more productively.
  • Quit multitasking: It’s better to focus on one thing at a time and give it our 100% rather than multi-tasking and going nuts.
  • De-clutter and organize: Keeping our workspace de-cluttered and organized will boost our productivity automatically as everything is in order and within reach.
  • Regular breaks: Working in intervals of 90 minutes and taking regular breaks keeps us motivated and improves our concentration levels that lead to higher productivity.
  • Give up perfection: We should give up giving great importance to perfection and move forward by doing the best we can do at that particular point of time. Clinging on to perfection takes away our valuable time and adds to our stress levels. Instead of that, we can come back to the task later on if needed to work upon it again with a fresh mindset.

Productivity doesn’t come in an hour or day and it has to be made a habit with consistent perseverance

10 Realistic Ways to Boost Productivity