Smart Cues for Easy Transcription -Avontix

Living up to the expectations of the employer and reaching targets in time does require some efficacy in the work we do. The role of a medical transcriptionistis a bit different from that of many other people as it deals with a lot of confidential information pertaining to medical records of patients. Any signs of lethargy or negligence at the time of transcribing a file can cost heavily to both the transcriptionist and the employer. Here we are giving some smart cues for making the job of transcription a little easier and pleasant.

Positive attitude: Have a positive approach and keep saying to yourself…All is well. Don’t start working with the burden of finishing the task. Rather start the work by promising yourself that you would make the day of a health practitioner better by producing a perfect error-free file.

Work-station:Take care you don’t work at a noisy place. Have a pleasant and peaceful workstation that gives you ample scope to listen to the audio files without any disturbance.

Headset:Go for a quality headset that is good to your ears and does not affect your hearing capabilities in the long run and at the same time helps you hear properly so that you transcribe accurately.

Listen, not hear: Make sure you listen and not just hear the audio file. When you just hear you tend to miss words or comprehend them wrong.

Listen in totality: Always make it your habit to listen to the sentence in totality because it will help you to understand the context of the sentence and comprehend words which are inaudible or lack clarity.

Never ever assume: Be alert and always transcribe what you listen. If at any time there is any ambiguity, don’t assume words. Rather leave the space blank and fill that after getting clarity on it.

Slow down a bit: We know that typing faster makes the job easier, but slowing down in typing makes the job much easier as there are fewer typing errors and there is lesser scope for deleting and rewriting which saves time and efforts.

Master typing skills: Increase the usage of keyboard and lessen the use of the mouse to enhance the typing speed. Also, maximize the application of short cut keys and auto-correct options to perform effortlessly.

Doctor may err: While dictating doctor may make mistakes in spelling or grammar. It’s your responsibility to check and use the appropriate spelling and rule out any grammar and punctuation mistakes in your transcription.

Be cautious: Be cautious with the use of medical jargons, acronyms or abbreviations. Don’t use irrelevant jargons or words which may change the context. Learning is a continuous process: Keep updating yourself with research and willingness to learn, all the new terms, methods and procedures in the medical world, so that you don’t stagnate in your profession.

Continue making a difference in the healthcare industry.


Smart Cues for Easy Transcription -Avontix