Coding Wound Care to Get Full Reimbursement -Avontix

Medical coding is one interesting profession that takes you through all kinds of diseases and health ailments. If you are in medical coding jobs you get to code various health issues of patients ranging from regular illnesses to life-threatening diseases. One among those many health issues that have to be coded is wound management. Wound care includes management of all kinds of wounds including complicated conditions and other related issues like ulcers and sepsis. Wound care is also an important part of medical coding because it is a major contributor to the reimbursed incomes of the healthcare facilities. Hence, it requires proper and systematic review of the wound record, other ailments that impact the wound management like diabetes and any other prevailing infection, the procedures adopted and its progress. Here we shall take a look at some of the rules that help in proper coding and reimbursements.

Modifier 25: Whenever there is a specific need for separate physician evaluation and management (E/M) more than the normal physician work, it is additionally billable. In such cases, the code that tells that the provider should be paid for both the services is modifier -25. This should be appropriately used and cases of wound management the people in medical coding jobs should be attentive and careful while using selective and non-selective debridement. It should be noted that in case of multiple layers, coding must be done for the deepest level of debridement and wound dressing has to be coded separately and not with E/M services.

NCD and LCD: It is absolutely necessary for all professionals in medical coding jobs and medical billing jobs to be aware of the National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) that provide rules for the coverage of wound care that are vital for prompt reimbursements. Coding is an important aspect for a healthcare provider to generate accurate bills and receive proper and full payments. Join Avontix, the best medical coding company in Hyderabad, to gain excellent experience and expertise in the field.

Coding Wound Care to Get Full Reimbursement -Avontix