
Common Revenue Cycle Myths that Affect Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers have a tough task in optimizing their revenue cycle because of the nature of business they are in that deals with the health of people. Although it is challenging in the beginning stages, it is not entirely difficult to drive revenues to increase cash flow if healthcare facilities are capable of making their […]

Settings that Provide a Career for Medical Coders

Healthcare industry is one which doesn’t have any slowdown and is constantly growing. This industry is home to a lot of professions for several people and one such profession is medical coding which didn’t even exist some years ago and now plays a critical role in the healthcare industry. The significance of medical coding jobs […]

Equipment that help Healthcare Documentation Specialists

Healthcare documentation or medical transcription is a lucrative career option for those who wish to work in the healthcare industry but are not doctors or other allied healthcare professionals. Healthcare documentation specialists, also called medical transcriptionists, listen to the audio files dictated by physicians regarding their patient encounters, diagnoses, test reports, and medication or treatment […]

Seamless Patient Care with Electronic Health Records

The digital versions of the paper charts are the electronic health records that make it possible to access the patient records instantaneously from anywhere and at any time. These records are stored safely and securely to make them available to the authorized persons who may be physicians, healthcare professionals or the patients themselves. Implementing appropriate […]

Ways Healthcare Facilities Can Improve Charge Capture

Charge capture is an important process of revenue cycle management that helps the physicians and healthcare facilities to record the services and procedures performed on patients that is later on submitted to the insurance companies to get the reimbursement. Doctors record and transfer the charge capture information in various ways like using spreadsheets, post-it notes, […]

Dealing with ICD-10 Codes and Diagnostic Errors

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a global tool and standard for the reporting of diseases and health conditions and identifying the health trends and statistics. The ICD codes are intended to enable doctors to acquire better data and make increasingly educated treatment choices for their patients. It is mandatory for healthcare providers to […]

How to Become a Healthcare Documentation Specialist?

Healthcare documentation specialists or medical transcriptionists create transcription reports from the dictated recordings given by the physicians. They ensure that the reports submitted by them to the healthcare providers are perfect in every aspect because healthcare documentation plays a key role in the quality care provided by healthcare providers. People interested in healthcare documentation jobs […]

Common Summer Diseases Medical Coders Should Know

From June, the summer season starts which brings with it various health conditions resulting from the outdoor activities and outdoor trips people plan to beat the heat. These health conditions and ailments hamper the enjoyment of summer holidays. Reports suggest that healthcare facilities encounter nearly double the cases in emergency departments in this season with […]